Friday, September 28, 2012

Crazy girls!!!

Hannah loves hanging with her cousin, Ry-Ry.  When they get together, there is hardly ever a quiet moment. That is mostly Hannah's fault. :)  

Very different looking girls, but both very beautiful!!!

Hannah has started to really show some interest in picking out her own clothes and socks as you saw earlier, but she is also wanting to put in her own barrettes. Not just one, but many, as you can see. I don't say too much about it unless we are going out in public. Then I make her take them out, or I have to explain to everyone that she did it, not me. :)  She continues to make us laugh on a daily basis.

Driving without a license....

So we have been looking for a little coupe car for Hannah for a long time, but every time I would see one on sale, I would talk myself out of buying it...wondering if I would find one cheaper, or how long she could really use it.  But right before school started, Hannah and I went to Hobart with a friend for a walk-a-thon for Baptist's Children Home, then went to the outlet mall. Right before we left, we decided to go to the Toy-R-Us that they just put in.  We still had a couple of gift cards from when we first came home with Hannah, so I thought maybe we could find something for her.  We walked around and right before we walked out the door, I looked back and there it was....a little coupe car for $24.98. As you can see, it was one of the cutest ones I had ever seen, it played music and it had a cup holder, which I knew Hannah would think was the coolest thing.
Drinking, but not driving...

Oops, that is what happens when you have a small seat.

Making sure her blinkers are working...really she was more concerned that
part of the sticker was on the bumpy part. I assured her that it was ok and on she went.

Doing a Chinese fire drill....

We will laugh about that some day when we can  tell her about that.

Taking Dora for a drive. She is looking comfortable isn't she?

Monday, September 3, 2012

New foods!!!!

This summer, Hannah decided to try some new foods.  First, she began to want bites from my sweet corn and eventually after realizing that I didn't get much, I started to make her a piece of her own.  She did amazingly well and really cleaned the whole thing.  Of course, every few bites, she would look at me and say "where?"  Meaning she wanted me to show her where she should bite.  At least we can take a small break from peas. It was nice to see her eating the same thing as us at the dinner table.

She also discovered the greatness of Oreos!!!  That was mama's mistake. I was having a huge craving for them each day, so I would get a glass of milk and a few Oreos to dunk.  She tried to dunk hers a few times, but she didn't care for it much.  If you are wondering why red, well, they were Christmas ones- yes I know- a little outdated, but they still tasted great.

It didn't take her long to figure out how to twist and turn.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!

It was another birthday for Grandma (Mom) Grossman. While we were there, the girls decorated some crafts and of course Hannah had to help.  She did a nice job and really helped Grandma out. Of course, Grandma wanted her to do it all for her, so we had to hold Hannah back a few times to make Grandma do her part.  She also tried to get Hannah to eat her cake for her, but we managed to keep her out of it.

Outfit of the Day

This was a mid summer outfit that Hannah created. I actually chose the top half and we were going to the park with W and EE, so I told her to find her crocs. She went into her room and about 5 minutes later came out with her Dora socks inside out but on correctly with her crocs. Of course I had to take a picture and I actually let her keep them on.  I know it is just the beginning...

Visit to the Fort Wayne Zoo

On one of our last days of vacation with Baba, we decided to take a trip to the zoo. This was Hannah's second visit, but she was much more interested this year, mainly because she was older.  She was really into taking pictures on the statues. One of the funniest parts of the day was when she snuck up behind a peacock and she scared it, but not really on purpose. If I remember right, she was just trying to get the stroller to me.  The peacock shook and all of its feathers came out- it made a noise I can't really describe, but it about made me pee my pants. We stood in awe after it turned around and just couldn't believe that happened.  It turned out to be a really nice day and we had a really good time.

She is quite the poser now days. 

Inside the little train

Riding the merry-go-round was a first.  Of course she chose to ride on the panda- must be her culture pulling her in.  She had a blast and smiled every time we came around to see Baba. Even though I am right next to her in the picture, I did ride on my own animal and kept my hand behind her to catch her in case she fell. :) I was a little scared for her. :)

Feeding the giraffe.

She wasn't into brushing the goats, but I did manage to snap this picture.

Since the fair, she has talked about tractors.  We tried to warn her that she might not see a tractor at the zoo, but we came out of the petting zoo and there it was- just for her.

Here is the peacock that Hannah scared and then it scared us back.

She wasn't big on letting the geese eat the food out of her hand, so she threw it to them.

For this one, I took a picture of just her, but then she demanded that
I take a pic-pic with her and Baba could take the picture.

Feeling a snake for the first time- it feels like a basketball.