Monday, February 27, 2012

Hannah Singing her ABC's!

So we have been singing the abc song with Hannah for a long time- mostly when she started sitting on the potty last March.  Just lately, she has been saying certain letters with us while we are singing- like p, t, x, z.  Uncle C got her a Leap Frog compooter ( as she calls it) and I downloaded some songs to it. One of them is the abc song. So while we were eating lunch yesterday she was playing with it and when the song started playing, she started singing and said more than I expected... Baba says to me, "You haven't heard her do that?" I said, "Not like that- wow!!!" Mama was impressed and so I grabbed the video camera, then I wanted to cry.  It still amazes us every day what she is learning and saying. We think she will be way too smart for both of us. Hope the video comes through for most of you. If not, sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Too Cute. I remember those days and they are each full of something new and exciting.
