Again, I have to apologize for not staying on top of this blog for the last year. I will try to do better this summer. I figure while I sit in Oliver's room waiting for him to fall asleep, I can sit in the dark and keep you updated. Since I have missed so much, I am just going to have a very long post of random pictures of both cuties! They are not really in order, so sorry....
In February, our 2nd little Chinese miracle turned 2 years old! We are so thankful for him and the blessing he has been in our family. He loves Little Blue Truck books so that is what we did for his theme. He has the poster hanging on his bedroom wall and every time we read the books, he points to it.
He got so many boy toys, which he needed so badly! |
Also in February, we celebrated my parents' 50th anniversary! What a Godly example they have been for us and so many others! So thankful and blessed to call them mine!
Random pictures of Hannah and Oliver...
I was searching for music on You Tube one day and came across
a video that had tons of songs sung by a little girl named Ellie
and she is British! The kids love it and it goes for over an hour. |
Hannah getting her car ready for the Awana Grand Prix-
thanks Uncle Dave for helping her!
Of course her car had to be pink! She didn't win any of the races, but she had fun!
A weird warm day during the winter which led to a snowy week after... so many weeks like that this winter and spring!
Great times building forts, snowmen, and going sledding with fantastic neighbors
Oliver really got the hang of winter this year and jumped right in building forts and snowmen. He stayed out for as long as everyone else and there was never any complaints!
The coolest fort in the neighborhood...
We decided to try out the big hill that everyone talks about at the old was totally worth it! Hannah had a blast
One of my favorites...
One of the many times Oliver walks around the house putting his own hat on his head. :)
Hannah continues to help me make rolls for the holidays...she is getting really good at rolling them up. Great-grandma Schaetzle would be so proud of her.
Annual Easter egg coloring...
Drawing on the doodle board is one of Oliver's favorite activities...
Oliver's September, Oliver had his first surgery for his palate. It was pretty intense for the first few days, but he recovered quickly and was back to eating normal things within a week. He was such a champ through it all. He had a second surgery in December that was much less traumatic. We were told he shouldn't need anymore surgeries until he is 8-12 years old.
Hannah learning a new October over fall break, we decided it was time for Hannah to take off her training wheels. Although she had moments of giving up, it took her a total of 24 hours to accomplish the task! She continues to amaze us in the things she learns so quickly! Her birthmother would be so proud.
Another Gotcha Day for our sweet October, we celebrated another year with our first Chinese miracle. We are so thankful for God bringing her into our lives. Though she is very strong-willed and sassy, we have been truly blessed to watch her grow and become a lover of Jesus!
The same tree we always take her picture in on this special day...
They melt my heart... though they don't always show it, they truly love each other!
Oliver's first haircut...also in October Oliver got his first haircut. Oh,
how he did not like it! And even now he still does not care for those clippers coming towards his head. Just this last Tuesday, Roger had to sit in the chair with Oliver clinging on for dear life!
Watching Oliver drive this little four wheeler had to be one of the funniest moments of all time! Once he finally figured out how to get it to move, it was a very jerky ride.
Don't give this kid a license!
One of my favorites from last summer.
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