Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

On Mother's Day, we had Oliver's Dedication. We decided to all wear our Chinese attire. As I look at these pictures, I think to myself, where has the time gone. Though they are still little in my eyes, they have grown so much in the last year. In another year, neither one will be able to fit into their Chinese outfit. Makes me so sad, but also excited to see what God has in store for them. He has blessed us as a family so many times and we know there are so many more blessings to come!
And to the women who are longing to become a Mama...please know this...God has a very special plan for you. I know Mother's Day has passed, but the hurt and longing has not. If you are waiting for that day to be called Mama, don't give up, my God has a plan for you,  if you are willing to wait for it and trust Him. My wait for the beautiful Chinese girl that you see below, was 5 years...  Throughout those years, I doubted God many times on what His plan was. I wanted to quit and forget about it. I felt maybe I wasn't ready to be a Mama after all. And just when I thought it would never happened, He quickly moved a mountain! He can do that for you too! Just trust...
Isaiah 40:31 says " Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

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