It is really hard to believe that this sweet boy has been with us for a year now!! He has grown so much and learned so many things since that day they handed him over to us. He was such an emotionless little boy. It took him a few days, but he finally began to open up and trust his new family. We are so grateful for the little miracle that he is and so thankful that God brought us together! We love you so much, O!
Smelling the flowers |
He has grown so much! |
He does love his Baba even if he still calls him "Mom!" |
no words for this picture...except LOVE! |
Where would we go on Oliver's first Gotcha Day? Of course, to meet Joni at the Great Wall! We didn't have to worry about what to order for this little boy...he continues to eat everything you put in front of him. He not only ate his food, but also a little of everyone else's food! Who ate off the American menu? Yep, you guessed it, Hannah...fries and chicken nuggets. Although she did have some white rice. :)
so distracted by the water |
Look Mom...ish (fish)! |
So happy when I can get him to smile
for the picture. It is not that simple! |
Of course, we cannot let this day pass without saying thank you to all of you for the many, many prayers. Although the process to get Oliver was just one year from start to finish, the few months before were very rocky! God had opened the door for us to adopt again and just when we began to get excited, He slammed it shut! We didn't understand and felt so defeated and lost! And of course, where God slams one door, He opens another, which led us to CCAI in Colorado. Why do we doubt Him? Why do we continue to try to do things on our own? We have experienced His faithfulness so many times and we stand in awe of His Greatness. He has blessed us with two amazing and down-right cute children! Thanks for walking this journey with us and continuing to pray us through!