For the 4th of July we traveled to Kokomo to Uncle Paul and Aunt Pam's house!! It was definitely a time of fun with great food, crafts, flag searching, Frisbee time, and bubbles!!! Oh the can't really tell by the pictures who enjoyed them more. I think it was a tie...hysterical faces though (even mine in the one)! Hannah really enjoyed spending time with her cousins, and they worked really hard to give her plenty of attention. She was warned that since there was a new baby in town, she might not get all the lovin'. I think she got plenty of lovin'!!
Lori is amazingly talented in the artistic world and helps pull out Hannah's artistic abilities! She had so much fun doing this!! She then continued on with her own ideas and made hearts for everyone to color. It was focused on the married couples- the wife colored 2 hearts, then the husband colored the other two hearts. It was pretty amazing to watch her know who was married...she seems to young to understand all that.
Bubble blowing was a huge hit...
Hiding and searching for flags...They were first hidden inside and she had to look at the printed pictures to figure out where they were, then they moved outside to hide them. Nicholas was very patient and took the time to make it fun for her.
I was told that it was Hannah's turn to count while Nicholas hid the
flags- he made her balance a Frisbee on her head while she counted. |
Love!! |
I am pretty sure she is asking, "Are you done yet?" |
Discussing how many are left to be found. |
Special moments with Cousin Kaitlin...
A Grossman gathering wouldn't be complete without a game of euchre. |
Taking family pictures was quite interesting...these were the first of many!!!
This might be my favorite one, because both
their eyes are looking towards each other. |
Playing Frisbee...Hannah really, really enjoyed playing a game with the big kids. It was so fun to watch her interact with them!!
More bubbles...
Random cousin fun...