One day this summer, Roger got this very interesting build a birdhouse! I am not sure what made him want to do this...maybe a cartoon or something sparked the motivation, but he and Hannah gathered the materials, then Roger began to work. As you can see, Hannah just mostly rode her bike and every once in a while would ask Baba if he was finished yet. Oh and I guess she did supply the nail every now and then. Later that week, they took a trip to the store to pick out some paint. Hannah chose pink of course, mommy's favorite color. As you can see, Hannah dug in deep to help paint the house. That is one thing that she is very good at and loves to do it all the time, no matter what the surface. I know Roger doesn't think it was very good and he was sort of embarrassed by it, but it was the effort that counts and when that birdhouse finds a place in one of our trees, I am sure that the birds will think it was good enough too!
I am pretty sure that Hannah is enjoying the time with Baba no matter how it looks! |